


The Ministry of Defence’s Community Covenant Grant Scheme has funded a new playground at Colinton Primary School in Edinburgh .

The grant scheme was established to support the Community Covenant and to fund local projects that bring together civilian and Armed Forces communities.

Susan Imrie, Head Teacher at Colinton Primary School, said: “The children are thrilled with the new equipment and really enjoy the challenge of trying out the different beams and bars.

“All we had before was a big empty space so to have a brand new playground is just fantastic. It will also be used by children and their families before and after school. ”

Education Convener, Councillor Paul Godzik added: “ Edinburgh has a long and proud tradition of close links with the Armed Forces – none more so than at Colinton Primary School where many of the pupils come from Army families.

“I’m delighted that our close partnership working has resulted in the successful community covenant grant to build the new playground.”

Colonel Phil Bates, Commander of Edinburgh Garrison: “I was delighted to open this new play and learning area for Colinton School . This is a tangible example of how the Community Covenant Grant scheme can work for the benefit of all.

“ Colinton Primary School cares for a large number of Service children and is proactive in addressing the demands and pressures placed on Service families, especially when a parent is deployed on operations.

“The school is a place where the service and non-service children can blend together seamlessly and that fosters support and understanding on all sides.

Colonel Bates concluded:- “The headteacher and her staff and the children are to be congratulated in developing this idea and taking it forward.

“I would also like to thank our Community Covenant partners, local Army units, and the parents for their continued support to the school.”
Photo caption;- Colinton Primary School children from bottom Brooke Harrison (7) Ben Bakani (5) and nine-year-old George Sugrue are pictured with Edinburgh Garrison Commander, Colonel Phil Bates, and Captain Paul Van Sittert, Padre of 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment Scotland (1 SCOTS).