Actually the nearest beach to Edinburgh where this is taking place is at North Berwick, according to the Surfers Against Sewage website. Unless anyone can tell us there is a clean up proposed at Portobello?

 Scottish Greens are demanding action from SNP ministers following the failure to bring forward plans to tackle the problem of marine litter, which is estimated to cost Scotland’s fishing and tourism sectors at least £17 million a year.

Last summer Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and environment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, claims that she was told a consultation on a marine litter strategy would be held in the autumn. A follow-up question from Alison reveals almost a year later, and despite a 139 page report by experts, that ministers are still drafting a consultation with a view to launching it “in the spring”.

The Big Spring Beach Clean next weekend is aimed at tackling what campaigners are calling a marine litter “crisis”.

Scotland has an average of 2,382 items of litter per kilometre of coast, higher than the UK average and an increase of 25 per cent since 2009.

Alison said:-“Litter, in particular plastic, is harming our environment and the coastal and maritime economy. It kills wildlife and puts tourists off. Given the clear threat to jobs and businesses in our coastal communities the lack of action from government is baffling.

“Even with the efforts of volunteers who try to keep local beaches clean we’re struggling to stay on top of the problem. Marine litter is largely preventable but it needs strong guidance from government.

“Manufacturers of products that end up in our seas and on our beaches need to take greater responsibility and industry needs better regulation to prevent spillages of debris. At the moment it’s council tax payers who are picking up the tab.”

More details of locations of the clean up here on the SAS website.