CHAS – The one that didn’t get away – Lennoxlove Book Festival – Can you write a play?

TV personality Carol Smillie will be adding sparkle to the CHAS ‘Fawkes-y’ Ladies Lunch on Friday 2 November 2012 as over 400 guests gather for a fundraising event in aid Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS), Scotland’s only charity providing hospice services to children and young people with life-shortening conditions.


The event includes auctioneer Andy Nicol and sports presenter and reporter Alison Walker as after-lunch speaker, who is fresh from covering the London 2012 Olympics. The organising committee are Sue Lawrence –presenter and author of 13 cookbooks, Carol McGregor – film producer and mother of long-standing CHAS supporter Ewan McGregor, Christine Bryden – a busy Perthshire farmer’s wife who has spent 15 years working with children with behavioural problems and learning difficulties and Sue Hadden – a radiographer working in the NHS, and wife of former Head Coach of the Scottish rugby team Frank Hadden.

The event is supported by Artemis Investment Management.

If you would like to support CHAS please contact the Edinburgh fundraising office on 0131 444 1515 or go


Rubbish problems continue in little pockets of the city. Further to his email to the Transport and Environment Convenor earlier in the week Jon Chase of Fettes Grove Proprietors Association told us they were still having problems getting proper information from the council. It was still continuing notwithstanding an email of assurance from Councillor Hinds. It seems that this is less of a problem than it was but if you are still having issues about recycling or refuse collection then please let us know!



At Bonhams Sporting Sale next week in Edinburgh, a huge chunk of fishing history goes under the hammer – a magnificent carved wooden model of the biggest salmon ever landed in Britain.

This 64-pound monster was landed by a woman angler, Georgina Ballantine, adding interest to the history of this record catch. It is estimated to sell for £4,000-6,000.

Georgina Ballantine caught the largest salmon ever recorded in British waters one evening while fishing with her ghillie father and using a Malloch rod and reel. Mallochs took a plaster cast of the fish and there have been later facsimile glass models. This fish would appear to date from the 1920s and is a wooden block model.

A Malloch block model of Miss Ballantine’s fish carved and naturalistically painted on a wooden backboard by P.D. Malloch, Perth, and inscribed: ’64lb caught 1922 Miss G.W. Ballantine, River Tay Scotland’ and within an oak frame 142cm wide.

Henry Baggott, of Bonhams Sporting Department, comments:- “This model must represents one of the most saught after fishing memorabilia items for anyone who has ever caste a line in the water hoping for a bite. It is top of the tree in terms of fishing collectables.”


Edinburgh author JK Rowling is headlining the book festival at Lennoxlove this weekend. The festival starts today, and as you would expect the session with the creator of Harry Potter is sold out, and the live streaming version is also just too popular to get a last minute place. But there may be other things on the agenda which you would like to go to – and for which there might be some tickets!

Lennoxlove Book Festival 2012


Next year is the fiftieth anniversary of The Traverse Theatre. To celebrate that they are inviting 50 brilliant writers of any age from anywhere to submit 500 word plays about Edinburgh to them. The Traverse explain on their website how to go about it (but you have to have the idea of course!)

How to apply

Submit a 500 word ‘Play for Edinburgh’.

The play can be about anything you like, for example: a real or imagined event, an experience of, or tribute to, the city, or any idea stimulated by it. Most importantly we are looking for writing that embraces the spirit of invention, adventure and risk taking that has come to define the Traverse over the last 50 years.

Please include a 250 word covering letter outlining why the attachment would be beneficial to you.

All submissions must go through our online submissions manager.

The deadline for submissions is 12pm, 14 November 2012.

The Traverse Fifty writers will be announced on 19 December 2012.

To submit your script please go to

In order to cast our net as wide as possible, there will be a limited number of small travel bursaries available.