Academy Award® nominated screenwriter and novelist Nick Hornby will be the subject of an In-Person onstage interview on Thursday 17 June. An award-winning author of five international best-selling books that have served as a rich stream of inspiration for filmmakers: Fever Pitch; High Fidelity and About A Boy, he has also written works of non-fiction and short stories. Nick adapted the screenplay to the original FEVER PITCH from his own memoir and was Oscar® and BAFTA nominated this year for his screenplay adaptation of Lynn Barber’s memoir An Education. Nick will be discussing his craft and projects past, present and future at the In-Person event.

Fresh from its screening in Cannes, award-winning filmmaker Lucy Walker’s hard-hitting documentary COUNTDOWN TO ZERO, examining the escalating global nuclear arms race, will have its UK premiere on Friday 18 June. Recently screened by Hillary Clinton to top White House staff, the film is produced by Laurence Bender (AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH).

The legendary musician and author Nick Cave will be joining the line-up for the previously announced IRREGULAR event on Thursday 24 June, in partnership with Canongate. Nick will be reading from the newly published paperback of his bestselling novel The Death of Bunny Munro, a brilliant, dark and provocative tale of one man’s road to ruin. IRREGULAR will also see David Whitehouse giving a sneak preview of his debut novel Bed, an enchanting tale of two brothers and why one just won’t get out of bed, and a screening of his award-winning short film The Archivist (Warp Films). IRREGULAR will also be the first to screen an exclusive interview with ‘godfather of hip hop’ Gil Scot-Heron from Ridley Scott’s RSA Films. Music from Jed Milroy (The Aliens) will complete this stellar line up.

EIFF Artistic Director Hannah McGill said: “We’re thrilled by these late additions, all of which are very special. Nick Hornby’s event represents a great coming-together of literature and film, centred on one of Britain’s most respected and popular writers of both novels and screenplays. Lucy Walker is one of the UK’s most brilliant and ambitious filmmakers, and Countdown to Zero is incendiary work. As for Nick Cave – what can I say? He has been a hero of mine for a good half of my life, and I could not be more excited that he’s coming to Irregular.”

Tickets are available to buy from Box Office, online and by phone. IRREGULAR tickets are only available to purchase directly from the venue at or in person.

IN PERSON: NICK HORNBY Thursday 17 June 13:30 Cineworld
COUNTDOWN TO ZERO Friday 18 June 17:30 Filmhouse
IRREGULAR Thursday 24 June 20:30 Roxy Art House