School streets jump

The council launched School Streets this morning, an initiative to close streets around schools to traffic at the start and end of the school day.


Councillor Lesley Hinds chose to celebrate with the pupils at Colinton Primary School where cyclists and walkers gathered at the front gates today on newly car-free streets. She said: ” I am delighted to see School Streets in action  and that so many pupils have taken this opportunity to walk, use scooters and ride their bikes safely into school.”

There are six schools in the scheme which aims to reduce congestion and pollution in the area. The first couple of weeks will be education/raising awareness before enforcement begins.

Chief Inspector Stevie Dolan, from Police Scotland, said: “We are committed to working alongside our partners and the public to ensure the safety of all road users, including schoolchildren.

“Whenever a complaint is received in relation to motorists driving within the prohibited areas, without a valid reason for doing so, our officers will respond accordingly.”

Six primary schools are included in the first of two phases – Abbeyhill, Colinton, Cramond, Duddingston and St John’s RC with Sciennes starting in October.
The second phase of the pilot will not begin till next year when the streets around Towerbank, St Peter’s, Clermiston and Bonaly Primary Schools will be closed to all traffic except residents living nearby. If this affects you then you must apply for the necessary permit online.