Fans of Fife Flyers are behind an anniversary to celebrate one of the greatest moments in the club’s history.

It was 40 years ago in 1985 that the ice hockey team was crowned British champions at Wembley Arena in London.

That triumph created the ‘Plumb Line’ – a historic team led by player coach Ron Plumb and fellow Canadians Dave Stoyanovich and Danny Brown and backed by a host of outstanding local players widely regarded to this day as one of the most exciting ever seen at Fife Ice Arena.

Now, the players who skated to victory are set to be reunited as part of a major celebration planned for May 2025, exactly four decades later.

Plans are in hand to stage a live show packed with memories of that never to be forgotten season, a sportsman’s lunch and an exhibition of memorabilia with all profits from the events going to CHAS, the club’s adopted charity, and Maggie’s Fife Cancer Care Centre in Kirkcaldy.

It will be a unique chance for fans who were there to relive one of the greatest weekends of following Flyers and introduce a classic team which packed the rink on game nights to a new generation of supporters.

The events are being put together by a small team of long-standing Flyers’ fans with months of preparatory work already done. It is being led by club historian, John Ross, with Joe Rowbotham, assistant team manager in 1985 and member of KIHC’s management committee; Alan Westwater, former Flyers’ programme editor, Iain Anderson, a supporter of the team since 1983, and Allan Crow, editor of the Fife Free Press.

They have already contacted all the surviving team members who are looking forward to the 40th anniversary reunion, and put the wheels in motion to secure a venue. Work has also started on an exhibition in Kirkcaldy which will be launched that same week.

John said: “The 1985 team remains one of the greatest in the club’s history, and it is only fitting we mark this landmark anniversary. We hope fans, old and new, will be able to enjoy our live event and exhibition of memorabilia – and share their memories of an incredible achievement 40 years ago.

“We have had a great response from the players and key people connected with the team in 1985 who all want to be part of the celebrations and are looking forward to reuniting them for the first time in 40 years.”

The organising committee is appealing to fans who can donate memorabilia for the exhibition, and also to the business community to come on board as sponsors. There are gold and silver packages available at £1000 and £500 respectively, with benefits including tickets, souvenirs and publicity.

Their contributions will help underpin the not-for-profit event, and boost the organisers’  donations to the two charities which will benefit.

Westwater is leading on the exhibition which will focus on the 1985 team whose triumph was one of the greatest moments of the sport’s Heineken era.

If you can help with memorabilia or are wish to discuss further information on a sponsorship package, please email 

PICTURE: Four of the organising committee (left to right): John Ross, Iain Anderson, Alan Westwater and Allan Crow with the Wembley programme from 40 years ago

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