Edinburgh resident, John Rowan, has had to obtain his hearing aids privately after waiting more than a year for his regular hearing aid check, despite The Scottish Government setting a waiting time target of 18 weeks.

Mr Rowan who recently turned 68 is married with no children. His hearing loss originated from contracting measles as a child – the legacy of contracting measles has now affected his hearing.

Despite being retired, Mr Rowan is heavily involved in the charity sector, and until recently, sat on the board of a Scottish wide charity and volunteering with several others.

John Rowan

In May 2023, Mr Rowan self-referred himself for a new hearing test and was added to the waiting list. Despite assurances his appointment would be in May 2024, he was not invited to an appointment. The further deterioration in his hearing has left him struggling to hear basic conversations.

Due to this, Mr Rowan took the decision to buy his own hearing aids privately.

Labour MSP for Lothian, Sarah Boyack, has been pursuing this issue on Mr Rowanā€™s behalf. However, the NHS confirmed to Ms Boyack in May 2024, that due to pressure there was no confirmation for when Mr Rowan would receive his appointment.

Only after Mr Rowan had paid out of pocket for his hearing aids did the NHS get back in touch to confirm an appointment for August 2024.

Mr Rowan said: ā€œMy hearing test was due in May, however, unfortunately it was pushed back with no date givenĀ to me for when I might be tested.

ā€œDue to the ongoing delay, I had to resort to going private to ensure I got the hearing aids I desperately needed.

ā€œMy loss of hearing affects me in day-to-day life, as I struggle to listen to conversations which I need to hear in the roles that I do with the voluntary sector.

ā€œI am incredibly concerned if more is not done to tackle these waiting times then my hearing will only deteriorate further.

ā€œMr Rowanā€™s case illustrates the dire state that the Scottish Government have left NHS Lothian in.

ā€œThese delays and missed targets dramatically affect patientsā€™ lives.

ā€œIt is unacceptable that Mr Rowan is facing further deterioration of his hearing due to delays.

ā€œThe Scottish Government must address the crisis in NHS Lothian as an immediate priority.

ā€œNo one should be having to pay out of pocket simply to be able to hear conversations with friends and family.

ā€œIf they donā€™t I fear cases such as Mr Rowanā€™s will only become more common.ā€

Sarah Boyack Launch of 2022 Edinburgh Labour Manifesto at Coffee Saints PHOTO Ā©2022 The Edinburgh Reporter