The Edinburgh Bus Users Group met on Thursday evening for their AGM and have issued a demand to the council to take action on increased journey times.
The voluntary body heard from David Begg the former Edinburgh Transport Convener who said that bus journey times have increased in the last decade by up to 20 per cent. He claimed that the main reason is congestion.
Harald Tobermann, Chair of the Edinburgh Bus Users Group, said: “Public transport systems thrive if they deliver frequent services reliably and consistently.
“I am therefore extremely concerned about congestion in our city and the resulting increase in public transport journey times.
“Unless reversed, this negative trend will wipe out any ‘net-zero’ gains from other measures such as LEZ, active travel, electric vehicles, and 20 minute neighbourhoods.
“We therefore call on Edinburgh Council to roll out 7-7-7 bus lanes on all major routes; and on the Scottish Government to reboot their fund for bus priorities measures and to enable bus-mounted bus lane enforcement cameras.
” A sustained commitment to bus priority from all authorities creates a virtuous circle: the (publicly owned) bus company will be able to invest in new vehicles, smarter ticketing, and more frequent services; which in turn will encourage more people to use the bus.”
7-7-7 bus lanes operate from 7am to 7pm 7 days a week, reflecting actual demand. The council is operating a trial on the number 44 bus route on this basis.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.