A place for books

The Men of Leith Men’s Shed has helped Victoria Primary School by making them an outdoor library which they have called the Lighthouse Library. And they are looking for donations of books.

This project was undertaken by the Men of Leith Men’s Shed, Repair Shed, but at the Heart of Newhaven where they all meet there are other divisions of the Shed – the Music Shed, the Work Shed, the Tai Chi Shed, the Lunch Shed, and the Bike Shed. If you fancy going along then find out more here.

Pedestrians only

There could be a bit of confusion arising from the decision by councillors to deny vehicle access to the front door of the W Hotel which opens at St James Quarter in November.

On the one hand the developer Nuveen say they have vehicular permission in terms of their detailed planning consent, and in any case they own the land, but the Transport and Environment Committee voted unanimously against an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order to allow taxis and minibuses to drive over what has become a pedestrianised area.

Read more here.

Elder Street

The history of the Edinburgh Colonies

The next talk by Edinburgh Members Centre will be held on Tuesday at Augustine United Church on George IV Bridge when historian Professor Richard Rodger will speak about the origins, development and significance of the Edinburgh and Leith Colonies.

Repair Café

Got something that needs to be fixed?

Get along to The Ripple on Saturday.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.