Leith-based football club Redpath Albion have received a 65th birthday present in the form of a renewed jersey sponsorship from James Thomson’s The Witchery By The Castle restaurant.

Bryan Maughan, who has been the football club’s chairman since season 1988-89 explained: “One of our coaches, Irfan Sheikh, works at The Witchery and made an approach which I followed up with a letter. We are delighted to receive this support once again.”

The good news doesn’t stop there as the club, who run an under-16 team drawn from youngsters in the Pilrig/Lorne area, have kicked off Division Two of the South East Region Youth League with victories over Leith Athletic (6-0) and Kirkliston/South Queensferry (5-2).

On Sunday they head for Balerno and a game against Currie Star while a Scottish Cup fixture at Tranent is scheduled for 10 September.

Redpath Albion were formed by employees of the Redpath Brown (St Andrews) Steelworks back in  season 1958-59 to encourage apprentices and local youths to practice sport.

Over the years teams have appeared in various guises including Juveniles and Edinburgh Amateurs.

Of the players whom the current crop are seeking to emulate the best known is perhaps Roddy Maughan who in the mid-90’s spent four seasons playing professionally with Raith Rovers, Arbroath and East Stirling.

Despite the steelworks closing in 1969 the club have continued to operate.

Bryan Maughan added: “Most of our current squad have been with us since they were six or seven years old helping the club retain a community ethos.”

Evergreen sports journalist. Previously published in many publications around the world. Send me your local sports stories. billlothian1008@gmail.com