The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party has appointed a new Director of the Party and Chief of Staff to Douglas Ross.

The new Director of the Party is James Tweedie, who has played a crucial role in numerous national elections since 2016.

He was Ruth Davidson’s Campaign Manager and Agent when she became MSP for Edinburgh Central, and has since worked as East of Scotland Regional Campaign Manager and National Campaign Coordinator.

Douglas Ross has also hired a new Chief of Staff, Jon Novakovic, and Deputy Chief of Staff, Rebecca Fraser.

Jon Novakovic is a former Australian political adviser who most recently worked for Mercy Corps on humanitarian aid delivery in complex contexts. He has worked in conflict zones around the world and managed teams in Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria and numerous other countries.

Rebecca Fraser was a Scottish Conservative candidate in the 2019 General Election and 2021 Scottish Parliament Election. She has also served as Chair of the party’s Scottish Borders Association.

Former Scottish Sun journalist and sub-editor Barry Graham will join as Head of Media to work alongside Harley Lothian, who has been promoted to Head of Digital after an election campaign where the party’s social media performance improved hugely.

Former No.10 and Scotland Office adviser Elliot Roy has been promoted to Director of Policy and Strategy, and David Bateman to Director of Communications.

Scottish Conservative Leader Douglas Ross said: “I’m delighted to have such a great team in place to help drive the party forward as we build Scotland’s real alternative to the SNP.

“We won 100,000 more votes in the 2021 election than ever before, and we are determined to do even better next time.

“This is our most talented and diverse group of Scottish Conservative MSPs yet and they will be complemented by an experienced and enthusiastic senior team.  

“We are working hard to become more than a strong opposition, so that Scotland has a real alternative that can remove the SNP from office.”