The Scottish Conservatives say that pro-UK voters have “one shot” to be sure of stopping another independence referendum.

Douglas Ross will be joined by Ruth Davidson on the campaign trail today in Colinton, where they will call for pro-UK voters to lend their peach ballots to the Scottish Conservatives as the strongest pro-UK vote.

The Scottish Conservative leader said today that a peach party list vote for the Scottish Conservatives is the only way to “guarantee” another referendum is stopped.

The SNP said in their ‘routemap to independence’ that they will seek to hold another referendum regardless of what the UK Government says.

Just this week, SNP MP Richard Thomson confirmed that they will proceed with indyref2 no matter what.

Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed she will seek indyref2 in the “recovery phase” and Kate Forbes has said they would hold it “before recovery in earnest.”

Douglas Ross Leader of the Scottish Conservatives with Ruth Davidson MSP on Calton Hill during campaigning PHOTO ©2021 The Edinburgh Reporter

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “Pro-UK voters only have one shot to be sure of stopping another independence referendum.

“If the SNP win a  majority, they’ve been clear that they intend to hold indyref2 no matter what the UK Government says.

“Their focus won’t be on Covid recovery. It won’t be on tackling the economic crisis and protecting jobs. They’ll take their eyes off the ball on drug deaths, schools and every other key issue again.

“However Nicola Sturgeon tries to deceive voters in the last week of this campaign, they’ve already shown their hand. There is no doubt the SNP will ramp up their calls for a referendum if they get a majority.

“There is only one way to guarantee that we stop that referendum and get all of the focus onto rebuilding Scotland – by using your peach party list vote for the Scottish Conservatives.

“We are the strongest pro-UK vote and the only party you can be absolutely sure will vote to stop another referendum.

“We will get all of the focus back to where it should be – on protecting jobs, supporting our NHS, and helping pupils catch-up from what they’ve missed during Covid.”