The grand sum of £696,165 is being given to 92 arts, sports and community projects by National Lottery Awards for All Scotland, and some of the awards have been made in the capital.

In Edinburgh the Church of St John the Evangelist gets £10,000 to renovate and decorate their kitchen as part of an overall renovation programme. The Edinburgh Interfaith Association will receive £9,750 to help them run their befriending service allowing volunteers to build relationships with vulnerable and lonely people.


St John’s at the West End

The Fight Bladder Cancer organisation gets £10,000 to help them expand to other areas in the country.

The Jack Kane Centre Community Wing will get £8,300 to help them run a Friday club for young people.

Nari Kallyan Shangho gets £9,500 to provide health and welfare services to South Asian women and their families.

The Broomhouse Centre will receive £8,882 to find a suitable space for a community greenspace project.


Club Soletes may be based in Glasgow but it will receive £5,605 to develop The Wee Spanish Mobile Library for bilingual families in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling.

Elsewhere, causes such as the Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes, Islay Book Festival and the Port Ellen Book Festival will all benefit.