June performance at 95.5%.

The Scottish Government tell us that performance across Scotland’s accident and emergency departments was just above the 95% target during June.

ISD Scotland have published monthly figures today for all A&E sites across the country which show that 95.5% of patients were seen and subsequently admitted, discharged or transferred within the four hour target time. This compares with 94% in May.

Weekly figures for core A&E sites also show performance above 95%. Statistics for week ending 23 July was 95.3% – the same as the previous week.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said: “It is very encouraging that performance across Scotland was above the 95% target for June, and that Scotland’s A&Es have outperformed those in the rest of the UK for more than two years.The weekly statistics for core sites are also above that level for the second week in a row.

“These positive results are thanks to the hard work of staff on the ground, both in emergency departments and elsewhere in the health and social care system.

“While we can expect some fluctuation week-to-week depending on seasonal pressures there has been continued focus on improvements in patient flow. For example, we are ensuring more people are discharged before noon and at weekends, helping to reduce delayed discharge, and meaning patients can be admitted to hospital more quickly if required.

“An additional £9 million has been given to boards this year to help them continue these sustainable improvements in unscheduled care.”