Liz Richardson has an embarrassing problem and these yogurts aren’t helping!  Here, she shares her real life experiences of living as a twenty-something with a chronic bowel condition called ulcerative colitis, similar to Crohn’s Disease.  A shameless tale of love, laughter and lavatories, Gutted (co-produced by The Conker Group and HOME) is a pastiche of the many people Liz has met on her journey, from hospital staff to complete strangers, patients to friends.

With a contemporary aesthetic, visceral moments and a love story bubbling underneath, Gutted, co-created with theatre maker Tara Robinson, is an engaging investigation into how we think about illness and the boundaries that cause us to feel shame.  Sitting on top of a subtle celebration of the healthcare system, it explores how we treat each other and form relationships, the nature of hidden disabilities and femininity in the face of an embarrassing physical condition.

Gutted is a frank, funny and compelling autobiographical
exploration of living with an inflammatory bowel disease.

Liz said : “Enough sh*t, let’s talk frankly: I’m a woman who doesn’t poo flowers out her bum. I’m exposing myself in hopes that more people will do the same.  In an age of Instagram filters, this show attempts to give audiences the courage to find joy in the unedited journey of life, with its ups and downs and the relationships that guide you on it.


Liz underwent surgery to have her colon removed when she
was 28 and lived for a period with an ileostomy bag (or stoma bag) before having a ‘reversal’ which involves the creation of an internal pouch.  She lives without pain now, but needs to manage and regulate her physical wellbeing carefully.  While Liz is able to control her illness to a certain degree, this hidden disability does have its limitations and the shorter Edinburgh run reflects her awareness of potential physical fatigue.




Pleasance Dome (Jack Dome), 1 Bristo Square, Edinburgh,

2-13 August 2017, 14:40

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