On 13 July 2017 Edinburgh Napier’s Sighthill Campus will host a variety of educational bodies and third sector organisations who are all committed to finding positive destinations for all young people.

CEECEF (Care Experienced, Estranged and Carers East Forum) have planned a day of discussions, workshops, laboratory tours and information stalls on all aspects of studying at college and university – a ‘what you need to know’.

Event organiser and member of the Widening Participation team at Edinburgh Napier University, Dr Peter Tormey said: “Studying at college or university can be daunting for anyone, but particularly for young people who have experience of being in care, estranged from their families or with caring responsibilities. But education should be, and is, available and accessible to all.

“The aim of this information day is to show clearly how much support and advice is available as well as giving a taster of what to expect while studying and an opportunity to hear from students – past and present – in similar situations.”

Despite time in care during her teenage years Fearn Bishop, who will be contributing at the event, attended college before completing a degree and progressing to PhD studies at the University of St Andrews.

She said: “All young people need guidance when they are still figuring out what they want to do, some more so than others. Throughout high school my grades weren’t great and my ‘academic achievement’ didn’t really kick in until the last year of my degree course.

“I think this event is a great opportunity to let young people and those supporting them know the different routes, financial help and academic support available to them, as that help is invaluable in making the decision to pursue something less daunting.”

This is a free event open to everyone, but will be of particular interest to young carers, care-experienced, estranged or independent young people, care or guidance staff, teachers, parents and guardians, third sector and advocate organisations, education and social workers.

More information on how to get involved in the day here.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.