Lothian Country the new subsidiary of Lothian Buses has announced timetable and fares information for its new service to South Queensferry which begins on Monday 5 June 2017.

With a real throwback to the days of Eastern Scottish which ran buses to the west of the city with their distinctive green and gold livery, the new buses have been unveiled.


Service 43 and the limited stop X43 will operate between St Andrew Square and South Queensferry with buses leaving every 20 minutes during the day from Monday to Saturday and every 30 minutes during the day on Sundays.

While the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lothian Buses it will operate as a standalone business with its own buses and products provided on an entirely commercial basis.

There will be two fare zones; city and cityWEST. Travel in one zone will be £1.60 for an adult single and 80p for a child single. Travel in two zones will be £2.60 for an adult single and £1.30 for a child single.

Lothian Country is introducing the cityWEST Day ticket which will offer customers unlimited travel on Lothian Country and Lothian day services across both cityWEST zone and city zone for £5 for an adult and £2.50 for a child. The Network Day ticket and Lothian Buses Ridacard will be valid in cityWEST zone and city zone.

Customers are also being offered an introductory m-ticket deal, where they can purchase ten cityWEST single journey tickets for £25. These can be downloaded from tfeapp.com on Android and Apple devices.

Richard Hall, Managing Director of Lothian Buses, said: “This new commercial service will provide important transport links for work and leisure between Queensferry and Edinburgh. We are pleased to be in a position to provide these vital services, following extensive analysis of passenger journey patterns and commitments from The City of Edinburgh Council to retain and improve bus priority measures. However, the ongoing provision of these services is wholly dependent on customer usage levels. It’s important that the community embrace our new venture to ensure its future viability.”

Local councillor Norman Work said : “I am delighted that all the hard work has paid off with Lothian buses listening to the Queensferry residents and have stepped in to operate a replacement bus service. I hope the residents and those living along on the Queensferry Road corridor will support the new service.”

Councillor Work was also able to advise that the commencement date had changed from the original announced date of Sunday 4 June.

“I have had notification from Lothian Buses that the new service will launch on Monday 5 June 2017 and not Sunday 4 June as originally reported.

“I have spoken with the current operator, Stagecoach, seeking clarification that their Service 40 will be running on Sunday 4th as normal and they have confirmed that this is the case, so users of this route will experience no break in service.”

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Lothian Country will introduce the following services from 4 June 2017:


  • Service 43 – St Andrew Square (north side), George Street, Frederick Street, Queensferry Street, Queensferry Road, A90, B924, Dalmeny Main Street, Bankhead Road, Station Road, Burgess Road, The Loan, Hopetoun Road, Bo’ness Road, Builyeon Road, Ferrymuir Road, (Mon-Sat daytime 43 calls at Ferrymuir Retail Park), Kirkliston Road to Queensferry Scotstoun Avenue. Return via outward route reversed.


  • Service X43 – route as 43 but omits Ferrymuir Retail Park.Stopping pattern: all stops St Andrew Square to Queensferry St at Drumsheugh Place then Learmonth Terrace, Craigleith (at Holiday Inn), Blackhall, Clermiston Road North, Parkgrove Road, Barnton then all stops to Queensferry (Scotstoun).


Full details are available by following @lothiancountry on Twitter or via Facebook at facebook.com/lothiancountry 


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.


  1. That’s a change! And had it been even more often like the musselburg service and also a night bus at least Friday to Sunday early morning it would become so busy and bring more people to our lovely queensferry and also including my family we would all be able to trust the buses and ride them to work and nightlife! Thanks for the services and please consider the night buses as well!

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