2016PERMANE_BANThe only show where it’s all about you!  Whether you’re looking for a serious pick-me-up or just a light-hearted put-me-down, pop by Edinburgh’s one-stop shop for the worst advice you’ll receive this year.

This highly interactive one-to-one show offers ill!™ advice for handling all of life’s complex and seemingly insurmountable problems, no matter how big or small.

Our unique Pay-What-You’re-Worth pricing scheme means a session only costs what you yourself normally earn in 15 minutes.  Reserve your slot now for the price of the Living Wage, pay the balance of your true worth during your session!

Before I start my review, I must admit to a vested interest in this show. I like advice, especially doling it out, so I was intrigued to experience what experts from the institute for l!ghter living!™ would furnish me with.  ill!™, an investment angel-approved bespoke consultancy agency, certainly delivered.

The show, “aims to provide all Fringe-associated customers with a stopgap solution to whatever their most burning issue happens to be at the time.”

Really it isn’t a show, it’s a tailored counselling session that will help you think in a new way and with fresh eyes about your problem(s).  I was amazed at the
insight offered by the consultant I saw, they really got to the nub of the issue, making me question my use of language and how I saw the world, myself and the subject I decided to examine.

The expert’s analysis was almost clinically sharp and highly refreshing in this age of fannying about and not telling the truth for fear others will judge you based on their limited perceptions.

I would not say that my session was an easy experience but then fifteen minutes discussing and examining an issue very close to you shouldn’t be.  The consultant made me wrestle with my prejudices and labels, forced me to consider solutions that I would never have imagined or reached by myself.

Even now, four hours later, I’m still mulling over what was said in the consultation room and the options that are available presented.  If I start living on a cotton farm then you will know I have followed my personal ill!™ advice.

Added to the experience is the chance to look around the Gayfield Creative Spaces and I enjoyed the Intimations exhibition that was on today, although unfortunately it was the last day.

I can’t finish this review without mentioning the pricing for this experience.  While the ticket is a nominal £2, ill!™ asks clients to pay however much they would have earned in fifteen minutes at their current employment.  I’ve never come across an approach like this, which is a very creative, executive-driven approach to passing round the hat at the end of a performance.  I happily paid over my worth, that’s how impressed I was with this incredibly talented consultant.

Tickets here.

Originally published here.