- 17 schools to remain closed
- Scottish Parliamentary Elections 2016
- The Scottish Sale next week at Bonhams
- Community Council for Northfield and Willowbrae?
- New Town Community Cinema
17 Edinburgh schools will remain closed on Monday after the Easter holidays.
Remedial works taking place yesterday at Oxgangs Primary School uncovered new issues relating to the school’s construction and ESP’s technical experts were unable to give council officers sufficient guarantees that Oxgangs and other PPP1 schools are safe to open on Monday.
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[mc4wp_form id=”169103″]Today Scottish Labour Leader Kezia Dugdale will be joined by the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn MP at a town hall event at Portobello Town Hall.
They will talk about Labour’s plans to use the powers of the Scottish Parliament to stop the cuts and invest in the future.
On Tuesday there is a hustings in Murrayfield:
invite you to a
2b Ormidale Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 6EQ
TUESDAY, 12 APRIL 2016 at 7.30pm
Chair: Rev Keith Graham
Participating candidates:
Alison Johnstone Scottish Green Party
Hannah Bettsworth Liberal Democrats
Sarah Boyack Labour Party
TBC Conservative Party
Alison Dickie Scottish National Party
There are some lovely things on sale at Bonhams annual Scottish sale which takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
Scottish Colourist paintings by Hunter and Peploe are featured alongside an early 18th century cooking pot used by Bonnie Prince Charlie and a 36 bore pistol which is said to have belonged to James Boswell.
The community council in the Northfield and Willowbrae area disbanded last November and now some of those involved want to ensure that a new one is set up later in the year.
The only way this will happen is by making a petition to the council by the middle of May. There is a petition here which at least 20 residents who are registered on the electoral roll must sign for it to be considered by the Petitions Committee.
The petition is here.
The New Town Community Cinema has a final film in two weeks’ time on 22 April. This time in the season of city films they will show Taxi Tehran.
This is a great opportunity for you to support a community effort to maintain an important building in the city centre. But take cushions with you!
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.