
The Rocky Horror Show LIVE!

Sheraton Edinburgh is very Grand

Volunteering opportunities

Knitting gurus coming to Edinburgh

Margiotta relaunching in Polwarth


Tonight, for one night only, get along to the Cameo to watch the Rocky Horror Show LIVE! Tickets here.



The Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh has been recognised as one of the top ten Sheratons in the world by Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Sheraton Grand is a new premier tier that celebrates exceptional Sheraton hotels and resorts for their enticing destinations, distinguished designs and excellence in service and guest experiences.

Now to find a reason to stay there overnight….


Got time on your hands? Then have a look at the Changeworks website to find out how you can learn new skills and make a difference to the community and the environment while volunteering.

Click here to visit their website to see what opportunities they can offer.


Are you a mad keen knitter? Then you might be interested in this workshop which is being hosted by McAree Brothers in Howe Street on Friday 9 October. They have invited the rock stars of the knitting world Arne and Carlos to come to their shop and meet Edinburgh knitters anytime after 5pm. The duo were featured on Kirsty Allsop’s show on TV last Christmas.

More details here.



12033116_890040627735828_4562195236600736306_nDads Rock is a great Edinburgh-based charity which aims to help dads and now it is looking for young dads especially to join in their Build a Bike project.

We met David Marshall from Dads Rock to find out more:

The Edinburgh Reporter NEWS – Dads Rock from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.