Lord Provost Donald Wilson will formally open 6VT’s newly renovated premises formally Grassmarket Nursery tomorrow. Young people, parents and professionals will attend the ribbon cutting

6VT, an independent youth charity, has been operating for 21 years from Victoria Terrace Edinburgh and has worked with tens of thousands of young people over this period providing a vast range of universal and specialist services that support and develop young people and their families. 6VT offers a creative and caring spirit, enabling young people to shape their own future and find the key to unleashing their potential.

Dot Horne Executive Director said:  “We are absolutely delighted with our new premises, as are the young people, all of us are highly impressed with the end result of the renovations. Once again we now have a base that young people for years to come will find attractive and appealing where we can run services that respond to emerging needs of Edinburgh’s young people.”

6VT runs open drop in services for 15-21 yr olds, three nights a week, which supports young people into employment or education, contributes to young people’s homeless prevention in the city and supports young parents and children through their Terrace Tots service.

Submitted by Dot Horne