

Mr Short to his pupils, Dave to his colleagues and “Cap’n Jack Sparrow” on many occasions! Dave Short is retiring from his post as Depute Head Teacher at Lorne Primary School in Leith after 33 years in the school as teacher, senior teacher, principal teacher, acting depute headteacher, acting headteacher and depute headteacher! Dave Short has been a stalwart at the school making many community connections with local businesses and organisations.

He leaves the school with many “institutions” enjoyed by generations of school children such as the annual themed sports day at Pilrig Park, the Primary 7 residential week in York and the north of England as well as a legacy of technology improvements in the school.

Mr Short has been fondly remembered by many former pupils, colleagues and parents. He is remembered as a teacher who got the children out of the classroom skiing, exploring farms and the great outdoors and learning about Leith and Edinburgh. Staff threw a themed Caribbean Pirates party for his retiral and there will be a special assembly and a strawberry tea on the last day of term in school when he will be presented with a gift from the school community and a book of memories from the children at Lorne.

Headteacher, Colin McLean said: “Dave has been a pleasure to work with. He kept the staff buoyant and in good spirits and was so well liked by pupils, colleagues and parents.  He knew the school community inside out and made so many lasting community connections which the school will continue to benefit from into the future. Dave will be missed a lot but we are sure he will pop in to tell us about his adventures in retirement!”

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.