A life-changing charity which provides support and advice to homeless individuals and families across Edinburgh has received £1,000 from Esh Communities.

Bethany Christian Trust helps vulnerable people address both the causes and consequences of homelessness and works with them to overcome social and educational barriers.

Esh Communities offers funding to groups which help make a positive difference in local areas. Worthy causes across Scotland are eligible to apply for £1,000 each for projects which demonstrate compatibility with Esh Group’s core values.

Bethany Christian Trust will use the funding to develop its Winter Care Shelter service. The shelters, managed by seven staff and a network of more than 800 volunteers, operate from 32 churches across Edinburgh and help people who are homeless in Edinburgh during the winter months. They provide a safe, warm bed for the night, transport from a central pick-up point, food and support for accessing additional services.

Projects are open to all, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and religious affiliation.

Cameron Black, Care Van and Care Shelter Manager at Bethany Christian Trust, said:

“We are so grateful for the support from Esh Communities. The shelter is a lifesaving service and helps people who would otherwise be sleeping rough during the winter months. There has been a huge need for this service – the average attendance has been really high and during the coldest part of this winter, 68 people made use of one shelter in one 12 hour period.

“The funding will help us to maintain this vital service and to provide shelter, food and company to those who need it most at a very difficult time of the year.”

Simon Phillips, regional managing director for Scotland, said:

“At Esh Group we are committed to engaging with the local community wherever we are working and Esh Communities offers the perfect platform to do that.

“The aim of this initiative is to provide funding for projects that really make a difference to local people, and Bethany Christian Trust does just that. We are pleased that our financial support has already made a difference to the group.”