2015_04_14 EdiViews-22

Today’s the Day!

At the Portrait Gallery

Today’s Exams

At the Fruitmarket Gallery 

Edinburgh’s retail figures

After months of campaigning the day has finally arrived. Today is the day when you may cast your vote in the UK General Election 2015, unless you are one of the 67,000 capital residents who opts to have a postal vote.

If you live in Edinburgh West you can watch The Edinburgh Reporter interviews here, for Edinburgh East click here, for Edinburgh North & Leith click here, Edinburgh South West click here and Edinburgh South click here.

We will be running a live blog tonight which you can access on Facebook or by clicking here. We will be at the Edinburgh count to bring you the latest interviews on Audioboom, Soundcloud, Bambuser or Twitter and it will all aggregate on this site on the liveblog.

Shore FM will be picking up some of our audio which you can listen to online and they are running an overnight election results show.

Our audio will also be heard on Black Diamond FM tonight and tomorrow. Please join in – it could be quite exciting!


Collecting Now will celebrate many of the recent acquisitions that have entered the Scottish National Portrait Gallery collection since 2010. The display will include photographs, paintings, drawings and sculpture, many of which will be shown for the first time, and will span the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Portrait Photo Lo-Res

Among the highlights featured in the exhibition will be a double portrait by Scottish artist Cecile Walton (1912), a portrait by Scottish Surrealist Edward Baird (1932), a series of black and white photographs of Glasgow in the late 1960s by David Peat, a colourful print by fashion photographer Viviane Sassen (2011), as well as a portrait of the internationally acclaimed actor Alan Cumming by Christian Hook.

The Photography Collection, which has seen significant growth in recent years, will also be represented by internationally-celebrated artists Jitka Hanzlová, Eve Arnold and Rankin.

Demonstrating the quality and diversity of the Gallery’s modern collections, this display will provide the welcome opportunity to express sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organisations whose generosity has made the continuing development of the national collection possible.
8 May − 20 September 2015
Admission Free | 0131 624 6200


Today it’s time for Music, Information Systems and a variety of Home Economics exams.

Are you sitting today’s exams? Why not send us your feedback on the papers? Was it what you were expecting or not? Do get in touch here: theedinburghreporter@gmail.com


Details of exhibition talks and events at the Fruitmarket Gallery are on their website but this one takes place on 13 May.

Panel Discussion Possibilities for Objects
Wednesday 13 May, 6–8pm, FREE

Join Rachel Adams (artist), Dr Michael Asbury (University of the Arts, London) and Dr Isobel Whitelegg (LJMU/Tate Liverpool) as they consider the role of the object in Brazilian art from the 1950s to the present. Chaired by Dr Catherine Spencer (University of St Andrews). Book via Eventbrite

For two months now Edinburgh’s retail spend has been bucking the Scottish and UK-wide national trends according to the City of Edinburgh Council who say Edinburgh’s retail sales were up three point three per cent in February 2015 compared to this month in 2014. This is higher than the Scottish average that fell one point four per cent on a year earlier and higher than sales in the UK as a whole that were up one point seven cent per cent.

In March, Edinburgh’s retail sales were up five point five per cent in March 2015 compared to this month in 2014. This is higher than the Scottish average that fell zero point seven per cent on a year earlier and slightly higher than sales in the UK as a whole that were up four point seven per cent.

The figures have been published in Essential trends, available monthly from Essential Edinburgh.

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