First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was out campaigning in Portobello this morning, meeting the party faithful and chatting with locals. Many babies were chatted to and about with the doting parents looking on.

She had a much-needed coffee stop in Favers cafe where she met a child who was named ‘Indy’ by his parents.

She used the opportunity to support the local candidate Tommy Sheppard and also to call on Labour to match the SNP’s commitment to boosting the NHS budget across the UK.

Councillor Stefan Tymkewycz who is running Sheppard’s campaign admitted that their hopes are high for a victory in two weeks time when all of this high activity will cease.

SONY DSCThe SNP has already made clear that it will use its influence at Westminster after the election to boost the NHS budget across the UK by a total of £24bn – £9.5bn above inflation – meaning a total increase for Scotland’s NHS of £2bn.

Commenting, Ms Sturgeon said in a pre-released statement: “Our NHS is our most important public resource – and the SNP will do everything we can to ensure that it properly funded and protected as a public service.  That’s why we’ve been clear that we will vote to boost NHS funding by £9.5bn across the UK – delivering a total increase for Scotland’s NHS of £2bn.

“The SNP’s plans for modest public spending increases would give our NHS staff the support they need and ensure our health service continues to deliver a first-class service for patients – Labour in Scotland now need to back our plans on the health service or explain to people why they are more committed to cuts than to our NHS.

“This General Election is Scotland’s opportunity to elect a team of SNP MPs to put an end to the austerity cuts which are putting real pressure on our public services and to ensure our NHS is protected.   Protecting our NHS will always be at the heart of the SNP’s plans – it’s now time for Labour to give the same commitment, or they will face the consequences at the ballot box.”

The Edinburgh Reporter News from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.


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