RNLI_Queensferry_Lifeboat2The Queensferry Lifeboat was launched around lunchtime today in response to a call from a dog walker whose dog had gone for a swim near Blackness Castle.

The lifeboat got to the spot and found the dog swimming about half a mile off shore. They pulled her into the lifeboat and a spokesman said: “Disorientated, tired and swimming further out to sea, she was pulled into the lifeboat, wrapped in a blanket and landed at Blackness into the care of her walker. Apart from being very cold and tired, she didn’t seem any worse for her ordeal.
“The owner did the right thing in contacting the Coastguard when the dog didn’t return to shore. Never enter the water after a dog if it won’t return.”

South Queensferry Coastguard were also in attendance.