By the time this liveblog gets going the campaigning will be over.

The votes will have been cast by those registered.  Whether they are first time voters at just 16 or they are much older, and old enough to have witnessed the referendum in 1979 and the further vote on the establishment of a Scottish Parliament in 1997, all have now had their say.

The results will start coming in probably after midnight and most probably around 2am. We are told that the first constituency to declare is likely to be Clackmannanshire, the Wee County, but really it is anyone’s guess where the first results might come from, in what order and what they actually mean. The important thing is that we are here at Ingliston in the company of the Chief Counting Officer for the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014, Mary Pitcaithly OBE.

What will daybreak bring tomorrow when all the votes have been counted? We hope to bring you the reactions from Edinburgh, and we hope you will join in with our live blog as the news breaks.

Live Blog Scottish Independence Referendum 2014

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.