On Sunday at Newington Cemetery on Dalkeith Road, visitors will be invited to visit the ten most interesting graves.

William McTaggart, the famous Scottish painter, is buried there along with his daughter.

Arnaud Massey, the French golfer (there was once a commonly used club called a “Massey Niblick”) is buried there and he gave his daughter the middle name of Hoylake after a famous victory at the club just outside Liverpool where the Open was held this year.

Jean Thompson, the wife of the founder of the Rotary Club, and the Reverend Dr John Ross, the first person to translate the New Testament into Korean, are also buried there to name but four of the ten.

A map will be provided showing the graves and nearby trees of interest and each gravestone will have an interesting summary of the person or people buried there.

A lot of work has gone into planning the day and vegetation has been removed from some of the gravestones  to make them accessible.

Longer term, it is hoped to improve the cemetery in other ways and an action group has been formed to try and tackle this.

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