missing guide dog

At about 3pm last Wednesday a guide dog went missing whilst on a free run with its owner. This happened near the Old Cemetery beside the river in Nairn – everyone, including local police, vets and the dog warden are aware, and guide dog volunteers and many other people have been searching for her ever since.  Her owner is naturally very distressed, and has of course also been searching for his companion.  Although Tess disappeared in Nairn she unfortunately could be anywhere by now, so please can you keep a look out wherever you are. Guide dogs are trained to return to their owners when free running, so it is particularly worrying that Tess has not been able to do so.  These are the details:

Tess – 6 year old black curly coated cross golden retriever.  She is microchipped and her collar has Guide Dog identification tags attached.

If you know where Tess is, or even think you may have seen her, please contact Guide Dogs on 0800 6888409, or contact local police.

If you have any family or friends in the Nairn area, please alert them too.  You can see more details on Missing Dogs Scotland’s Facebook page.