DSC00924Edinburgh Festival of Cycling – Today at Edinburgh International Film Festival – Hot trams – City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill – Watch with Children


Down at Gypsy Brae Mountain Tracks today from 10.00am there will be a cycling event to allow you to get along and try out Edinburgh’s Largest off –road facility. Following the successful opening as part of last year’s festival Cyclone invites you to try out their ever expanding trails. The EdFoc website says:-“We’ve got green skills loops to red runs. There will be four age group races, lots of side shows and fun!”

There will be racing from 11.00am. More details here.


At the Edinburgh International Film Festival today there is a Director’s Showcase event at 13.15. Featuring work by six filmmakers including Robert Redford, this project sounds fascinating.

If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?

This 3D project from six acclaimed filmmakers allows six iconic and very different buildings to speak for themselves. Bringing their own visual styles and artistic approaches to the project, the directors examine architecture as the material manifestation of human thought and action. The six buildings are the Berlin Philharmonic, the National Library of Russia, Halden Prison in Norway (called the world’s most humane prison), the Salk Institute in coastal California, the futuristic Oslo Opera House and the Centre Pompidou, each a guardian of our collective memory. [PG]



So on these fairly hot days, it is bad enough being in a car, but spare a thought for the passengers and the ticketing staff on Edinburgh’s Trams. Even though all the windows are open all the time, the doors are automatically set to open at each tram stop in an apparent effort to cool things down. Many passengers have complained that the tram is simply too hot, in comparison with a bus where the driver can perhaps react more swiftly to passenger complaint. But the one place that is air conditioned is the driver’s cab, so that is why the other day The Edinburgh Reporter witnessed a ticketing assistant who jumped in and out of the cab at the back of the tram to keep cool!

What do you think? Should the trams have been air-conditioned?


The bill currently before Holyrood to allow the new school  in Portobello to be built partly on land comprising Portobello Park is about to enter its final stages. There is a formal motion lodged with the parliament to allow the bill to be passed. If that happens as surely it must, then the building process will be able to progress quite quickly.

Meanwhile those behind Save Porty Park have made a film:-


The people at TED have made a lovely video of the talks which you watch with your children. Watch then here! Click here to watch.