A group for independence-supporting Scots Asians are launching a new branch in Scotland’s capital.

Scots Asians for Yes is hosting a public meeting in Edinburgh on Monday 14 April with an array of speakers, including one of Scotland’s most prominent businesswomen and political figures who will tell the audience that our Asian communities should be ‘front and centre’ of the debate.

Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, an actress, lawyer and member of Yes Scotland’s advisory board said: ‘It’s time to put Scotland’s future into Scotland’s hands, so that, together, we can build a nation which works for all of us.

‘I want Scotland’s Asian communities to be front and centre in this debate. And I want to play my part in persuading them that not only is an independent Scotland possible, it’s the best and only opportunity we have to realise our hopes and our dreams for our families and our country.

‘I believe my four children and your children and grandchildren, will have a better life, and enjoy a better and more equal society, in an independent Scotland, caring for each other and their fellow citizens. That is a Scotland I want to live in, and my children to grow up in

’Scotland’s strength lies in its diversity. Migrant communities from across the world will play a crucial role in winning next year’s referendum and building a new, independent nation.’

Ms Ahmed-Sheikh will also be joined by the well-known human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar and grass roots campaigner Jonathon Shafi.

Mr Shafi, a member of the Radical Independence Campaign said: ’Independence is a chance for our society as a whole to embrace diversity. We have seen nothing but fear and division come from Westminster, from immigration vans to illegal wars.

‘This event marks another staging post in the growing campaign for a Yes vote. It’s an exciting time for all of us to be part of this historic movement and set about developing a modern Scotland of many cultures.’

Scots Asians for Yes, Edinburgh launch
7-9pm, 14 April 2014
South Leith Halls,
6 Henderson Street

Submitted by Neil Hay


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