2014 Police Box 7

Football Works – Singing with the Newhaven Fishing Folk Choir – Dr Jane Goodall talk – Grove Community Garden birthday party – Royal Blind pupil in Commonwealth Baton Relay


The next Football Works programme will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am to 3.30pm at Portobello Powerleague from 6 May until 26 June 2014.

The eight week course helps to increase fitness, confidence, motivation, health and social skills.  It enables students to gain skills to get them ready for work or further education.  They will complete an SQA in Communications and Working with Others.  During the course each participant will be given full employability and personal development support which will continue on completion.

It is open to anyone 16 years and over who is unemployed and living in Edinburgh or the surrounding area.

It’s free and won’t affect your benefits, plus we’ll provide the kit, travel expenses and lunch so all you have to do is register and turn up!

Any individuals that are interested in taking part in Football Works are invited to attend as many of our free drop in sessions as possible:-

Mondays at Meadowbank Stadium, 2pm until 4pm

Wednesdays at Portobello Powerleague, 1pm until 3pm

Thursdays at Leith Community Centre (above Kirkgate Shopping Centre), 11am until 12:30pm (OVER 30’S ONLY)

Thursdays at Portobello Powerleague, 1pm until 3pm (WOMEN ONLY)

Fridays at Portobello Powerleague, 12pm until 2pm


Do You Sing? Would you like to Sing?
Every Tuesday April/May, 7 – 9pm at Victoria Primary School in Newhaven
The main focus of our events this month is our new Newhaven Fishing Folk Choir.
With support from an experienced singer we are running weekly drop in rehearsals, every Tuesday from 7 – 9pm.
Participants old and young have already joined us to find out more about the songs of Newhaven and to experience community singing at its best.
This event is open to – all
Tickets – its free!
You can read more about the Grove here.
© Chase Pickering
© Chase Pickering

Dr Jane Goodall DBE is coming to Edinburgh to give a talk at the Assembly Hall about conservation. And you already know her.

Yes, she is the pioneering scientist who worked with the Gombe chimpanzees, and her face will be familiar to many of you.

Book your place for her only appearance in Scotland this year and read more here.


And a lovely story to bring to your attention this morning. Harrison Lovett who is 15 attends the Royal Blind School and he is to take part in the Commonwealth Baton Relay when it comes to Edinburgh on 14 June 2014.

Read more here.