A driver had a lucky escape this morning when a crane dropped the load it was lifting onto the vehicle. The accident happened this morning on Great Junction Street.

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A Police Scotland spokesperson said:- “The crane dropped its load onto a car that was being driven along Great Junction Street. The road was closed and the area was made safe.”

Two people were treated for minor injuries according to reports.




The Reporter was down on Great Junction Street just yesterday at the ground-breaking ceremony for the Himalayan Centre. The crane was working away yesterday afternoon lifting what appeared to be a window or door for the new mixed housing/retail development high above the street.

Photographs from today: Courtesy of Danny Hardwick


  1. Thanks. When I say driver I mean the DRIVER of the lorry who took the impact of the falling debris onto the back of his neck. He spent 4 hrs in A@E on Friday. I’m just glad he came home.

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