The Edinburgh College of Art Fashion Show will showcase the latest designs from some of the UK’s brightest students studying fashion, performance costume, and textiles.

Collections in this year’s fashion students will feature a diverse range of designs, the inspiration for which includes lost Peruvian tribes, hip-hop jockeys, 1990s kids TV shows, and the sleek shapes of luxury yachts.

Two students are sponsored by Sophie Hallette Lace, who produced the lace for the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress and regularly works with the top couture houses in Paris. And for the first time at the fashion show, a student will create a collection solely featuring headwear.

What’s more, outlandish performance costumes inspired by Japanese fairytales and legend, African Maasai warriors, and Mexican magical-realism will be among the highlights from the costume students.

One student has an African version of the ancient Greek comedy, The Birds. Another student has created a macabre dress train made from fake human eyeballs.

Tickets are on sale now costing £15 each (plus £1.50p booking fee). They can be purchased via Hub Tickets (

This year the show will have its own Twitter hashtag:- #ecafashow.

More information on the students and their collections will be added to the official website in the coming days:-

The Edinburgh Reporter is pleased to offer one of our readers the chance to win 2 front row tickets to the premiere of this year’s Fashion Show. This will take place on Thursday, 25 April 2013 at 3pm.

Here is the question. Send your answers by email to us with the words ECA Fashion Show Competition in the subject line. 

Q. Which company produced the lace for the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress and will also feature in two designers’ outfits at this year’s ECA Fashion Show?

The answer must reach us by email on Monday 22 April 2013 at 12 noon when the draw will be made and the winner announced. Good luck!