Search for Daring Soles to Firewalk

Leuchie House is calling on daring ‘soles’ from Edinburgh to walk over hot coals for a good cause by signing up for Leuchie House’s firewalk on Friday, 12 April 2013 to raise vital funds and conquer their fears in the process.

Leuchie House, an independent charity based in North Berwick is dedicated to offering respite breaks for people and their families living with long-term degenerative conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s, Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinson’s, stroke and spinal injuries, relies on the goodwill of supporters and fundraisers to continue to offer quality breaks with 24-hour expert nursing care.

The fundraisers will walk 20ft across burning embers at around 1200 degrees Farenheit and the event is being run by firewalking experts BLAZE, who will host a two-hour training session to prepare fundraisers for the challenge.

One of the plucky ‘soles’ who has already signed up to the challenge is Jim Liddle, a 34-year-old care assistant at Leuchie House. Jim said: “I signed up because I’ve worked at Leuchie for over seven years and it’s such a unique place, I just felt this was something I could do to raise some money and help keep it going.

“Some of my friends have done firewalks before and really enjoyed the experience so I thought this would be a good way for me to give something back as well as doing something a bit different!”

There is a £20 registration fee to register for the challenge and sponsorship forms will be sent out to help raise the minimum sponsorship of £160 and a chance to play a part in helping provide much-needed respite breaks for individuals in Edinburgh and throughout Scotland.

To register for the firewalk event, please contact Rhona Knox at Leuchie House on 01620 897927, For further information on BLAZE,