Parliament Congratulates Cool Down Crew

Gordon Macdonald MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands recently attended an award ceremony at the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue station in Sighthill where he handed out certificates to the young people who had taken part in a week long training programme organised by fire fighters.

The Group of youngsters, from the Wester Hailes Education Centre, had spent 5 days involved in a series of practical activities, plus received information on fire safety including the dangers of hoax calls/wilful fire raising, speeding, drink driving, first aid, health issues such as drink/drug awareness and other personal issues.

Gordon said:- “What a fantastic bunch of kids from the WHE.C After only 5 days training they were working as a team, running out hoses like professionals. I was impressed by the level of commitment both from the staff and the trainees which resulted in great teamwork when they carried out the demonstration for parents at the award ceremony. ”

The following motion congratulating all involved with the Cool down Crew was submitted by Gordon Macdonald MSP to the Scottish Parliament:

“That the Parliament applauds Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service for its diversionary programme, the Cool Down Crew; notes that it is a unique experiential learning opportunity for young people aged between 12 and 14 who benefit from the positive role model the fire service can provide; further notes that it gives young people the opportunity to learn practical skills, build self-confidence and promote citizenship by encouraging effort, teamwork and good behaviour; and congratulates all the participants past and present who have received their certificate of achievement.”