Pedal on Parliament II – Robert Burns – The Skating Minister – Biodegradable Plastic Bags – Buzz Aldrin

Pedal on Parliament II is announced today. Read more about it in our article here, and we are off to Holyrood later to meet the organisers and hear more about this year’s event.


Have you made any plans for Burns night yet? If not then read our article here for inspiration.


Interesting piece in The Scotsman today about whether the famous painting The Skating Minister is actually painted by Raeburn or not. Tim Cornwell writes that X-Rays may prove it to be the work of a Frenchman. The Reporter once heard from the widow of the Spanish architect responsible for the design that the figure of the skater provided the inspiration for the windows at The Scottish Parliament.


Good news that John Lewis is introducing biodegradable plastic bags in its stores including the Waitrose food shops. Edinburgh-based Rob Edwards tells the whole story on his blog here.  The Reporter does try very hard not to accept any plastic bags whatsoever, but at least if the bags will break down in this manner it would be a little better.


Lovely to hear that Buzz Aldrin was in the capital on Friday night. You can see photos of him on the train to Edinburgh, happily posing with other passengers, on his Twitter feed.  It appears that weather had forced him onto the train rather than flying into the capital for a corporate function.


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.