The last meeting of this council will be held on 26 April and the elected members will be asked to discuss the following motion which has been presented by Councillor Donald Wilson this morning:-

Council notes

  • the success of both Hibernian and Hearts Football clubs in reaching the Scottish cup final to face each other for the first time since 1896
  • that the only time the final has been held outside Glasgow was in 1896 when both clubs last met in the final of the Scottish Cup

Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to work with officers and representatives of both clubs to seek a meeting with the SFA with a view to holding the Scottish cup final at Murrayfield.


Moved Councillor Donald Wilson

Seconded Councillor Gordon Munro

The Hibs boss Pat Fenion has already said that he wants the final to be held in Glasgow on 19 May according to The Daily Record.

So football fans what do you think? Should the Edinburgh teams play here in the capital or should they be forced to travel with all of their supporters to the National Stadium?

Comments below please!


  1. As a Hibs season ticket holder of long-standing, I have no interest whatsover in seeing this game played at Murrayfield. Hamdpen Park is the home of Scottish football and this interjection is neither warranted or welcomed.

  2. The Council should keep their noses out of it. I live at Murrayfield, and it is bad enough round here when Hearts are playing (against a ‘big’ team) at Tynecastle with drunk, loud, messy people milling around from mid morning, dumping their rubbish in our gardens and using our garden walls as public toilets. Goodness only knows how horrendous it would be to have both Edinburgh teams at Murrayfield. NO THANKS!!!

  3. I couldn’t care less which stadium they play at. Half the stadium will no doubt sing their homophobic chant, ‘oh the hibees are gay.’ Alex Salmond will pretend he has gone deaf as will BBC Scotland on the radio and on TV.

  4. Keep politics out of football, it’s bad enough the council seem to want to help hearts,also with our first minister sticking his nose into the BTC with rangers.

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