17.9 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Coronavirus – today’s figures in Scotland

The latest figures detailing the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Scotland have been announced by the Deputy...

First Minister’s Christmas message

A message before Christmas from the First Minister.First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.“And I want to...

First Minister accepts recommendations on misogyny

The recommendations of the independent report on Misogyny and Criminal Justice in Scotland have been welcomed in principle by the First Minister.In a parliamentary...

MSP urges older people to check on pension credit before Sunday...

Edinburgh Eastern MSP Ash Regan has joined Age Scotland in urging pensioners in Edinburgh to act quickly to claim Pension Credit before this Sunday’s...

The Future Speaks – young Scots to discuss climate concerns

Local MPs Tommy Sheppard, Ian Murray and Christine Jardine will be on the panel on Friday to be quizzed by high school students. This...

Government workshops on firework zones to be held in Craigmillar this...

The Scottish Government is holding a series of workshops to inform communities and offer a chance for their views to be heard as it...

Government set up a fund to support young disabled

Young disabled people will be able to access a £5m fund to help them live more independent lives, Public Health Minister Aileen Campbell announced...

Environment Minister off to Lima with Scotland’s climate change message

Scotland’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod has said that the international community must match Scotland’s world-leading climate change ambitions to tackle global...

Miles likes Body Boosting Bingo!

Miles Briggs Conservative MSP for Lothian has developed a love of bingo. But fear not, this game has a real benefit other than winning cash prizes!Miles is...

Government looking at 20mph rollout across Scotland

The Scottish Government is to consider whether speed limits in built up areas should be reduced across the country from 30mph to 20mph. They have...

Coronavirus – today’s figures

The Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, has just announced the latest figures for today, 30 October 2020, detailing the number of people diagnosed with...

MSP says disability does not mean inability

Jeremy Balfour, Scottish Conservative MSP addressed the Scottish Parliament recently to outline his ongoing concern for the continuing lack of employment opportunities for disabled...

Choudhury speaks out on social security

Lothians MSP, Foysol Choudhury, has called on The Scottish Government to be ambitious in its approach to Social Security.During a debate in The Scottish...

First Minister to host humanitarian summit in Edinburgh today

Scotland’s response to the unfolding humanitarian tragedy in southern Europe will be set out at a summit chaired by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in...

Coronavirus – Quarantine reinstated for travellers from Sunday

Travellers arriving from Italy, San Marino and Vatican City State must self-isolate from Sunday.Travellers arriving in Scotland from Italy, San Marino and the Vatican...

Holyrood today

First Minister Alex Salmond will be in Holyrood later today to announce the Scottish Government's business programme which the BBC tell you more about...

The Scottish Parliament : a year in numbers

The Scottish Parliament has now been in existence for 15 years.  To mark the end of its fifteenth year Holyrood has announced the significant numbers...

Labour’s call for The Scottish Parliament to ‘lead by example’ resisted

Scottish Labour says that The Scottish Parliament must lead by example in the fight against coronavirus and schedule business in such a way to...

Scottish Government’s programme hailed as greenest ever

Environmental groups applauded the new Programme for Government announced in Holyrood yesterday, which contains a host of 'green' measures.Friends of the Earth believe such...

Community renewables growing all the time in Scotland

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has said that community energy projects have had a strong year, and will continue to grow.From large scale wind farms...

Christmas message from Richard Leonard

Scottish Labour Leader, Richard Leonard shares his Christmas message.He writes: "Scotland has not had a Christmas set against the backdrop of such tragic...

LibDems looking for answers to their list of priorities

When The Scottish Parliament returns for its new session the Liberal Democrats have said that there are three priorities to address. These are the...

Heated Exchanges on Question Time from Edinburgh

BBC One's political flagship debate show Question Time was broadcast from Edinburgh’s Corn Exchange last night, in front of an audience of 16-17 year olds who will...

First Minister turns the tables on Women in the World’s Tina...

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will interview journalist and equalities champion Tina Brown at this year’s Beyond Borders festival on Sunday.The interview follows former Tatler...

Elsie Inglis to be commemorated on the centenary of her death

The death of Dr Elsie Inglis a hundred years ago will be commemorated on 26 and 29 November 2017 as part of the World War...

Quarantine measures reintroduced for those arriving from Spain – from midnight...

Catalonia has today announced new lockdown measures in light of new cases of Covid-19. Bars and restaurants are being closed tonight due to a...

Scottish politicians back charity helping young people in Uganda

 Deputy First Minister John Swinney, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie, Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard, co-leader of the Scottish Greens parliamentary group Alison...

Coronavirus – government guidance for small businesses reopening published today

Guidance has been issued by The Scottish Government today for small and micro businesses to steer them through the reopening of their places of...

Creative Scotland announce grants for 63 youth music projects

Creative Scotland have announced almost £1.7 million funding for 63 youth music projects today. The funding is intended to help inclusivity and tackle social...

Coronavirus – Friday’s figures

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Scotland were announced by Public Health Scotland today and are reported below.More than three quarters...