Colinton/Fairmilehead have two new councillors

The results of the Colinton/Fairmilehead by-election were announced last night. The intention was to hold the count on Friday morning but as a result of Storm Éowyn which might bring 90mph winds to the capital this morning, it was thought prudent to proceed on Thursday night.

This will allow the two new councillors to take part in a virtual full council meeting already scheduled for today when councillors will approve the final terms of the plans for the Tourist Tax.

The original two councillors – one Labour and one SNP, Scott Arthur and Marco Biagi, elected in 2022 have been replaced by members of Scottish Labour and Scottish Conservatives.

Read more here about the new make up of the council.

After the result was announced, the relatively small group of Liberal Democrats were stoney faced and clearly disappointed not to capture one of the seats.

Kevin Lang, leader of the LibDem group, who won convincingly with Louise Spence last November only to suspend her six days afterwards for suggesting she work remotely from the Middle East so causing another by-election, issued this statement on X:

Left Cllr Neil Cuthbert and right Cllr Conor Savage

Live news about Storm Éowyn

We have run a live news article with any updates we get about Storm Éowyn here since Thursday afternoon. If you have any updates on what is happening in your area then please let us know.

Email us on or comment on the live blog.

Basically everything is closed – there are few places open and the Red Weather warning tells you to stay at home today.

Longstone Sinkhole

A sinkhole appeared on the path between HMP Edinburgh and the Water of Leith between Longstone and Stenhouse last summer. Since then the area has been fenced off. At the time the council said it could not repair it as the land was privately owned by the Earl of Morton.

Now it appears that lawyers have unearthed an old agreement under which the council took on responsibility for the maintenance of the path, and matters are expected to move ahead.

Cllr Ross McKenzie who first raised the issue with the council said: “It’s great to get confirmation that the Council is responsible for fixing the sinkhole and encouraging to hear that work is underway to explore what needs to be done.

“We have already seen improvements on the path that make the diversion route more accessible so I’m really pleased to see that the motion has had an impact. The officer who is leading on this work is doing a great job.”

The Business Bulletin for next week’s Transport and Environment Committee meeting states the position:

Longstone Sinkhole “Save the Burnside”

A sinkhole appeared and compromised the Public Right of Way connecting Longstone Road to Stenhouse Mill Lane Sighthill/Gorgie
in early June 2024. The location was secured/closed off with barriers and an informal diversion developed via a dirt track. Estate Research indicates that the landowner is Earl of Morton; however, an agreement in place means the retaining wall adjacent to the Water of Leith is the Council’s responsibility. From preliminary investigations, it is likely that the retaining wall is being undermined and scouring by
the river has caused the sinkhole to appear on the footpath.

Engineering consultants have been engaged with a scope to investigate, provide a design solution and tender, and project manage the works required to completion. Once the engineering consultant has been appointed, then thorough investigations will commence with an initial use of underwater cameras to determine the extent of scour damage to the retaining wall. An approved design will then allow a method statement to be prepared and allow a tender for the remediation work to commence.

The repairs to the retaining structure will probably need to be completed from the riverbed of the Water of Leith and be subjected to restrictions around the fish spawning season (March to May) and will need to ensure compliance with SEPA & NatureScot conditions & regulations.

Therefore, it is unlikely that remedial works will not start on site before June 2025.

Therefore, shorter term, the existing path diversion will be improved for cyclists and pedestrians using materials to match the existing whin-surfaced track; this work is due to commence in January 2025 and will remain in place until the works to the sinkhole are completed.

Mary Poppins flies in

Mary Poppins (Stefanie Jones) and Bert (Jack Chambers) flew up to Calton Hill,  Edinburgh ahead of their appearance in the spectacular Mary Poppins at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh where the show runs until 15 February. There are still some tickets here.

Capital Theatres – Mary Poppins (Stefanie Jones) and Bert (Jack Chambers) flew into Edinburgh ahead of their appearance in the spectacular Mary Poppins at the Festival Theatre where the show runs until 15 February.Pic Greg Macvean

Local Cinema

When you are allowed out again take a look at the programme of local cinema screenings in Edinburgh over the next while.

Local Cinema information available from this webpage:

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.