Marking Anzac Day

Legion Scotland will be holding a commemorative service at the Scottish National War Memorial – which is within the grounds of Edinburgh Castle – on Thursday at 11am. Tickets, which are free, are available for the event from 9.30 to 10.15. They cannot be prebooked but are offered on a first come first serve basis from a stand on the Castle Esplanade.

Dawn Services will also be delivered at 5am on Thursday 25 April. For the third year in a row, Legion Scotland will be delivering a Dawn Service at Comely Bank Cemetery, Crewe Road South, Edinburgh EH4 2DL. At Comely Bank 17 ANZAC personnel are buried, and each will be commemorated in a dedicated act of Remembrance.

The CEO of Legion Scotland, Dr Claire Armstrong OBE, has said: “These Services are a pivotal moment of reflection. Our commonwealth partners in Australia and New Zealand, specifically their Defence Forces, have fought alongside Britain for decades upon decades.

“As the custodians of Remembrance here in Scotland, we are proud to be able to provide Services that commemorate those ANZAC personnel that have been laid to rest here, often away from their place of birth. We hear firsthand, every year, how these acts of Remembrance mean so much to people all over the world, including from family members of ANZAC personnel laid to rest in these cemeteries.

“We hope that many people in local communities across Edinburgh and Glasgow, as well as Scotland’s ANZAC communities, can attend these Services. It is our honour to host them. We will continue to Remember.”

St Mary’s Cathedral Open Day

This Saturday 27 April the Friends of St Mary’s Cathedral on Palmerston Place are holding an Open Day for anyone interested in knowing more about the wonderful Cathedral building. Highlights include:

– tours of the Cathedral at 11.30am and 1.30pm

– tours of the Bellringing Chamber at 12.15pm and 2.15pm (numbers limited to 10 for each tour – please sign up when you arrive)

– the Song School will be open for visits between 11am-3pm

– young musicians from the Music School will perform a concert between 12.30-1.30pm

– tea and coffee will be served all day

– highlights from the Cathedral archives will be on display

– there will be an opportunity to learn more about the Friends of the Cathedral and how they support the fabric and life of the St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

The Millennium Windows – designed by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. Photo: © 2020, Martin P. McAdam

Art at Stockbridge Library

Artist Julie Galante is exhibiting her new mixed media portraits at Stockbridge Library until 29 April.

Julie said: “Portraits have always been a big part of my practice, and it has been nice to get back to them recently. Many of the pieces on exhibit were started last autumn when a series of friends came to my studio to sit for me. There is something really wonderful about working from life, being able to interact with my subject in real time. Of course this way of working is challenging, as well – real people are much more prone to moving around than photographs are – but the additional information and interaction that comes from a live sitting is more than worth it. A huge thank you to all of you who have sat for me over the years.”

To view all of the portraits in this small exhibition, either go to the library or click here to see them online

Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place, Edinburgh EH3 5BA. Opening hours:

Monday 1pm to 8pm
Tuesday 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 1pm to 8pm
Thursday 10am to 5pm
Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 5pm

Tonight at Leith Depot – on Leith Walk

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