Resignation follows appearance at UK Covid-19 Inquiry in Edinburgh

Ken Thomson, who only two months ago was appointed as regulatory chief of the global chartered accountancy body The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), has resigned. He only took up office on 1 January, pledging to promote trust in the accountancy profession through excellence in regulation.

His resignation, said to be for “personal reasons” comes after messages sent by Mr Thomson during the pandemic revealed he advised Scottish Government officials to delete messages – and in one exchange he boasted that “plausible deniability are my middle names”.

Read more here.

Culture and independence

Angus Robertson MSP will unveil the tenth paper in the Building a New Scotland series today – Culture in an independent Scotland – saying it will shine the spotlight on the ways an independent Scotland could achieve greater prosperity with its creative economy and benefit from regaining freedom of movement as part of the EU.

Read more here

Chris Stewart Group have designs on Shandwick Place

Chris Stewart Group which has revived many areas of the Old and New Towns in Edinburgh including the Edinburgh Grand and 329 High Street, has lodged plans to revive buildings at the junction of Queensferry Street and Shandwick Place.

Read more here.

At St Mary’s Episcopal Church on Palmerston Place on Sunday

Join Alexander Armstrong at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh to hear the choir singing Choral Evensong (for Candlemas) at 3.30pm on Sunday 4 February.

There is no need to book for this event. 


  • Townhill Lo, God is here
  • Matthew Martin Preces & Responses
  • Psalm 139; Hymns 54, 56
  • Bevan Magnificat Octavi Toni
  • Holst Nunc dimittis
  • Cecilia McDowall The Presence
  • Dupré Lumen ad revelationem
The Millennium Windows – designed by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi at St Mary’s Cathedral. Photo: © 2020, Martin P. McAdam

Our February issue

Our February issue is out now. With more on our exclusive story about Chief Constable Jo Farrell revealed in our centre spread and our new columnist to entertain you with news of all the theatre you must see, we are pleased with this month’s issue. We hope you like it too.

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