The latest road closures or events taking place in the capital are listed below. The list is collated by EdinTravel a council department which runs a busy Twitter account advising motorists where to avoid.

All the new entries are in blue and include some streets closed for filming of Rebus later in the week. London Road will be affected by roadworks for eight weeks which resurfacing, and traffic signals and junction upgrades are carried out.

A gas main is still being renewed on Bonaly Road and the expected completion date is not until the end of August.

The manhole repairs on Moira Terrace which began on 6 July were expected to take a couple of days – but were still there on Friday.

Braid Road will be closed on 13 July between Cluny Gardens and Comiston Place to allow for “crane operations”.

If you see any other road closures or diversions then let EdinTravel know.

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If you see anything on the roads which is not on the list then let the travel team know on Twitter @EdinTravel

Updated versions of the listings are posted to the website most weekday afternoons, these can be found by going to

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.