A special concert has been held to celebrate the first year of Big Noise Wester Hailes. The music and social change programme began last year and now works with about 400 children and their families each week.

The music is a route to encouraging and supporting children and young people to reach their full potential.

Learning an instrument and playing in an orchestra builds confidence and creativity and also strengthens community ties.

Big Noise Wester Hailes operates in schools and nurseries and as an after-school club, reducing barriers for parents seeking work or training. Healthy food is also provided before all activity sessions.
On Tuesday, children and young people performed at Clovenstone Primary School ā€“ one of Big Noiseā€™s partner schools ā€“ as they celebrated the programmeā€™s first birthday.
This was part of a mini tour the children took part in at all three primary schools in the community ā€“ Clovenstone, Sighthill and Canal View.Ā 
They were joined by the Culture Minister, Christina McKelvie, local politicians, members of the community, and Big Noise staff and volunteers.

The Scottish Government has invested in Sistema Scotland’s Big Noise programmes for over decade. Earlier this year, it committed increased support for 2023/24 to ensure the sustainability of the programmes in an increasingly challenging funding context.

Culture Minister Christina McKelvie said: ā€œCongratulations to Big Noise Wester Hailes as they celebrate their first anniversary.
ā€œSistema Scotlandā€™s Big Noise orchestral programme has transformed the lives of thousands of young people in disadvantaged communities by tackling child poverty and reducing inequalities.
ā€œThese important projects also improve attainment levels and promote the health and wellbeing of our young people. The Scottish Government is proud to have supported Sistema Scotland with annual funding since 2012.ā€
Nicola Killean, chief executive of Sistema Scotland, said: ā€œWe were so pleased to celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of Big Noise Wester Hailes and the transformational impact it is already having with a special event in the community.
ā€œBig Noise helps young people reach their full potential by improving their confidence and wellbeing and teaches them vital life skills that they can carry with them into adulthood.
ā€œThe concert itself was a huge success thanks to our young participants who put on a spectacular performance, and they should be extremely proud of themselves.
ā€œEvents like this one is what Big Noise is all about ā€“ celebrating the positive achievements and potential in our communities.ā€
Cathy, mum of Big Noise participant Layla, said: ā€œI loved the concert, it was really brilliant. The kids have come on brilliantly since they first picked up their instruments.
ā€œBeing part of Big Noise has really helped Layla with her confidence.
ā€œItā€™s great that Big Noise means Layla and her friends can mix with other schools in the area ā€“ because they otherwise wouldnā€™t get the chance to.
ā€œShe loves the summer club at Big Noise too.ā€
Layla, who is in Primary 3, added: ā€œI love Big Noise. I love playing the instruments and seeing all my friends.ā€
Steven Jamieson, head teacher at Clovenstone Primary School, said:Ā ā€œWe are delighted to be part of the Big Noise first anniversary celebrations here in Wester Hailes.
ā€œAlthough it has only been a year, Big Noise already feels part of the school community in Clovenstone.
ā€œIn the first year with us, Big Noise has positively impacted upon the childrenā€™s engagement and wellbeing.
ā€œOne of the many benefits Big Noise bring is the opportunities to develop wider achievements for the children in Clovenstone.
ā€œTodayā€™s concert and last weekā€™s performance at the Scottish Parliament are only the beginning, and we are really excited about what is to come as our partnership develops in the coming years.”


Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Gordon Macdonald MSP Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.
Sistema WesterHailes 1 SA : Sistema Big Noise WesterHailes All images Ā© Stewart Attwood Photography 2023.