In glorious weather, Commonwealth War Graves Commission volunteer David Harrison guided individuals who had signed up for the Edinburgh (North Merchiston) tour around one of the city’s 19th century cemeteries.

The purpose of arranging the tour was to draw attention to the 140 First and Second World War servicemen and women who are commemorated in the cemetery. With this year’s theme of Discover, Learn and Remember, David brought to life a number of the stories behind the individuals, the majority of whom had died as a result of their wounds, through training accidents or illness.

The Screen in front of which the participants are photographed commemorates 32 First World War serviceman, the majority of whom are thought to be buried behind the memorial. So close to Hearts’ Tynecastle ground there was inevitably discussion of McCrae’s Battalion and its members who are  commemorated in North Merchiston.

The tour also included the graves of the two servicemen awarded the Victoria Cross who are buried in the cemetery. As part of the CWGC Foundation tour guide programme David will be guiding tours of Corstorphine on 19 August and Rosebank on 30 September and you can sign up for these tours here