The route today for the cyclists taking part in Critical Mass Edinburgh took everyone from Middle Meadow Walk – always the meeting point – across The Meadows, Buccleuch Street to Forrest Road, The Mound, Dundas Street to Stockbridge, back up to Queensferry Road, Charlotte Square then Lothian Road and ending up as usual at Bristo Square.

A couple of hundred people took part in the peaceful ride to highlight the need for safer infrastructure on our roads.

The next ride takes place on 27 May at 2pm from the Meadows.

And there are more photos on our Facebook page here.

Dr Bike was on hand for any last minute repairs before the ride Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Star turn Cllr Susan Rae chauffeured by chum Lenny Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Cllr Vicky Nicolson Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam
Photo © 2023 Martin P. McAdam