Ash Regan MSP has issued a statement about her beliefs on equal marriage.

This has become a main issue in the SNP leadership campaign following the statement by First Minister hopeful, Kate Forbes MSP, the current Finance Secretary, who said that marriage is for a man and a woman. Ms Forbes is a member of the Free Church of Scotland which opposes abortion and same sex marriage. Her comments have lost her the support of several SNP MSPs in her candidacy for leader of the SNP and to become First Minister. Forbes was widely tipped as the favourite.

Ash Regan the MSP for Edinburgh Eastern and a candidate (although officially unannounced) in the leadership race for the SNP said: “I firmly support the right to equal marriage and I am proud of the SNP Scottish Government’s record in delivering the Equal Marriage Act Scotland in 2014.

“In 2014 everything felt possible as people from across Scotland came together to dream bigger and connect to each other on common purpose, for a better independent Scotland for all. 

“Ideas different to our own must not be dismissed but discussed!

“As party leader and First Minister, I will take the SNP forward together, with like minds and critical friends, to create a Scotland where everyone feels safe, included and protected in what they say, what they believe and who they love.

“I believe that you should marry the person you love. Just don’t marry the wrong person – been there, done that. Thankfully we’re still friends!”

Ms Regan has a website for her leadership campaign here.

But she has also spoken out against the personal attacks on her opponent on social media:

The Rt Hon Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh Frank Ross with Minister for Community Safety, Ash Regan (formerly Denham) and the group who convened to mark the sombre occasion of the procession and wreath laying to mark the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz in January 2020 PHOTO ©2020 The Edinburgh Reporter