Foysol Choudhury MSP met with local residents who live near the Eyre Place site where developers have asked for planning permission for purpose built student accommodation.

Mr Choudhury listened to the residents who have conducted a well-organised group who objected formally to the application, resulting in 395 objections from members of the public being lodged with planners. The Eyre Place residents objection can be summed up in this way: “We support the principle of using the site for the development of townhouses, and strongly encourage the developer to take this approach for the entire site (or step aside for another developer who will).”

Foysol Choudhury MBE MSP

The Lothians MSP said after the meeting: “Following many residents contacting me with their concerns about the planning application for student housing in Eyre Place, I visited the planning application site. 

“I met with local residents to discuss their concerns and when you stand in the garden of residents, it is only then that you get an idea of the scale and impact the development would have on all the residents.

“I agree with their objections. Their major concerns are the overall scale of the development, its overbearing presence blocking natural light for neighbours, and dense accommodation which would overburden local infrastructure and amenities.

“The massing and height would lead to an overdevelopment of the site, potentially negatively impacting residential amenities. The proposal, overall, is not compatible with the character of the area in terms of use or design.

“My constituents are also concerned that the top storey of the flats will be dedicated to ‘entertainment’ and karaoke booths and are understandably worried about noise levels.

“I want to make sure that my constituents all have a good standard of living and a comfortable home and therefore I want to see that proposed developments do not reduce sunlight or an open outlook and do not increase noise and disturbance.”

There are two separate Planning Applications for 72 to 74 Eyre Place.

One is under this reference for the student flats 22/03834/FUL. The second 22/03833/FUL is for 9 town houses.

The New Town and Broughton Community Council entered an objection on the grounds that the two applications would have to be considered as one, and specifically objected to the student housing. Their comments which result in a broadly neutral stance on the application for the townhouses can be found here.

It is not yet clear when the planning applications will be determined.

Mr Choudhury with some of the Eyre Place residents
The site at Eyre Place Lane which was formerly the Jewsons yard
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