The garden in George Square is now open for food and drink during the summer months after more than 120 staff worked round the clock to transform the garden into a magical oasis.

With more than 2,700 square metres of grass, six tons of cable, more than 1,000 lightbulbs and 300 cups of tea every day for the last three weeks, the work is now complete and the gates are open.

Assembly are celebrating their 40th year on the Fringe with a Ruby Cocktail which is available at the bars.

The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival begins on Friday at 5pm with Martin Harley in the Piccolo and 8 piece jazz powerhouse Tom McGuire & the Brassholes.

Next week food vans will move in when the Edinburgh Food Festival begins from 22 to 31 July. Then in August the space will host some of the Assembly’s shows.

Dani Rae, General Manager of Assembly Festival said:“The opening of the garden is a significant moment each year. When the lights are turned on and the first members of the public make their way through the gates – we know that we’re just weeks away from the start of the Fringe. This year Assembly marks its 40th anniversary with a fantastic programme of over 200 shows in 25 performance spaces across the city. The garden is a central part of that programme and continues to be a firm favourite for Festival goers to visit during August.”   

Assembly Festival’s George Square Gardens opens to the public at 5pm on Friday 15 July. The Gardens are open daily till late. For more information on Assembly’s full programme of events visit

Assembly Festival Opening, George Sq. Gdns, Edinburgh, 15th July 2022 © 2022 J.L. Preece
Assembly Festival Opening, George Sq. Gdns, Edinburgh, 15th July 2022 © 2022 J.L. Preece