A vigil will be held in George Square on Thursday as an opportunity for members of the public to show solidarity with all those affected by the war in Ukraine.

Organised by the University of Edinburgh’s Chaplaincy, the peaceful outdoor gathering will take place at 5pm. Prayers and messages of hope will be shared.

The event marks the beginning of the Chaplaincy’s ‘Light Up Our Hearts for Ukraine’ campaign, when people will be encouraged to show solidarity in any way they can. This includes sowing sunflower seeds, lighting a candle in their window or attending further events.

Those wanting to show support online are invited to share a colourful image designed by fourth-year English Literature student Marta Christiansen.

When the campaign website went live, 66 sunflowers were marked on the interactive map within a few hours to show events taking place around the world.

This is the second initiative of this kind to be organised by the University’s Chaplaincy. In 2016, events were organised to encourage communities to come together for those affected by the war in Syria.

Revd Dr Harriet Harris, the Chaplain of the University of Edinburgh, who will lead the prayers on Thursday evening said: “When we gathered and lit candles in our windows for Aleppo, these simple acts increased the morale of those in Syria, and helped refugees in Scotland to feel appreciated and welcomed. This we can do again for Ukraine.

“I hope people in Edinburgh join us on Thursday for this display of solidarity and to share messages of peace and hope. This is the first of a string of events and activities that people can participate in – both in person and online – to unite in empathy and let the light of hope reach Ukraine.”